
My first "proper" job

Hear the story so far from the motion teams newest member, Alex Bartlett.


My name is Alex, a recent graduate of Arts University Bournemouth with a degree in visual communication and now a junior motion graphics design at bbd.

About me

It seems from birth (and probably for the rest of my life) I’ve never gotten the hang of things like drawing or painting and from a young age that was my concept of art. Art lessons were always pencils and paint and this put me off doing anything close to art. This all changed in secondary school when we had a lesson in graphic design. I’d never used anything like photoshop before and from then on I’ve known that's what I want to do. I did graphic design as a GCSE and studied it ever since. I went to Poole college to study graphic design and when looking for courses at university I chose Visual Communication. It had a bigger scope on what the output could be and instead of just creating a book on screen it had to be printed and bound the vision had to be real which was the big difference between the two courses meaning I could continue to learn about graphic design while also learning about the physical side of projects like installation and logistics of an idea. I created a range of things whilst at university from a book on history and religion, a hologram out of 4 pieces of plastic, explored spray painting, creating a drinks brand with real mockups of the can designs that were shown D&AD and working on the design for our graduate show.  

Other stuff I do

I also love music and have been making music and playing gigs with my friends for a while now. My favorite type of music is punk and that's the music I create with my main inspirations being The Chats, The Buzzcocks and GeeTee. However I love music from The Kinks, The Beatles, Daft Punk, Johnny Cash and too many more to list. I play bass guitar and guitar but would love to learn the piano one day.

I also like to learn anything about human history. From Romans to the cold war I love finding out about human history and the origins of ideas, places and cultures.  

Starting BBD

Meeting all the new and interesting people here has been amazing and the support from the team has been the same. Everyone is open and fun with a willingness to help and give guidance whenever I need it. The atmosphere in the office is exciting and I can’t wait to contribute to the amazing work everyone is doing here.