
Smart Craft: EP#2 A CMO's view on AI & the future

AI is on the lips and agenda of every Marketeer, the pace is furious the opportunities are overwhelming and the FOMO is real. In our latest podcast we talk to CMO Jason Tsai on these challenges and how we all need to evolve to this new world.

27 minute read

7th June 2024

In this Episode we cover:

In this fantastic episode with CMO Jason Tsai we discuss everything from how to take the plunge into AI to, leveraging AI to achieve more with less, and even looking at a distant AI dystopian future. 

Getting insights from someone who has led the charge across clients such as Visa Inc, CBS and Captify.


  1. Is AI overhyped right now
  2. How AI can help marketers do more with less
  3. How we avoid content saturation when AI makes content creation so easy
  4. How smart marketing will use AI to change what we make and what consumers want
  5. The short term use and benefits of AI vs the long term objectives everyone should be considering
  6. Will AI mean we lose the "human" in marketing
  7. Does AI accelerate the "in-house agency" trend
  8. What does an AI future look like and should we all be scared

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